Subject: [NT] OBJECT TYPE="text/html" vulnerability in IE 5.5 allows arbitrary command execution
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 19:34:57 +0100
The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list, and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site:
OBJECT TYPE="text/html" vulnerability in IE 5.5 allows arbitrary command
There is a security vulnerability in IE 5.5 and Outlook that enables
malicious attackers to execute arbitrarily programs by sending an e-mail
containing the tag OBJECT TYPE="text/html". This security hole also
enables remote users to parse the index.dat file by revealing the location
of temporary Internet files folder. This may lead to taking full control
over user's computer.
Note: This is completely different issue from the advisory
"IE 5.x/Outlook allows executing arbitrary programs using .chm files and temporary internet files folder" though both share some common properties.
Vulnerable systems:
IE 5.5 probably 5.x and Outlook/Outlook Express
If one can inject a file to the user's local disk and know its exact
location, it is possible to execute arbitrary programs in at least two
1) Using the window.showHelp() function (example:
2) Using an