From - Wed Sep 20 11:35:03 2000 Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary programs (DLL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY If certain DLLs are present in the current directory when a user double clicks on a Microsoft Office Document or launches the document using "Start | Run", those DLLs will be executed instead of the ones provided with Microsoft Office. This would allow executing of native code and may lead to taking full control over user's computer. DETAILS Vulnerable systems: MS Office 2000 Windows 98 Windows 2000 If either of the following files: riched20.dll or msi.dll Are present in the current directory, double clicking on an Office document in the current directory will cause them to be executes (Loaded, and their DllMain() function called) (Excel seems not to work with riched20.dll but works with msi.dll). Proof of concept: 1) Download dll1.cpp and build it. 2) Rename dll1.dll to riched20.dll 3) Place riched20.dll in a directory of your choice 4) Close all Office applications 5) From Windows Explorer double click on an Office document (preferably MS Word document) in the directory congaing riched20.dll Workaround: Do not double click on Office documents or use "Start | Run office.doc". Instead start the Office application from "Start Menu" and then use "File | Open" ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The information has been provided by Georgi Guninski. ======================================== DISCLAIMER: The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.