Jan 29 2001

How Syphillis was defeated by Mobman

Source: Subseven

munga bunga and HDKP
       munga bunga recently posted this on his website:
       "According to some sources, and what we have found out, HDKP 4
       is embedded into the recent versions of Sub7. The codes are in
       the software, and the Hard Drive Killing function is only
       accessible if you have the Master Password for Sub7. The Sub7
       crew admitted to using HDKP with Sub7 regularly, therefore, we
       wouldn't be surprised if the rumours are correct.
       All in all, we do not mind, and the point of mentioning this
       is to inform those who kept sending us email and asking to
       validate the rumours. Most of the details were posted to the
       Cyber Army message board.". you can check the webpage here

       a couple of comments on that:
       the post is not entirely correct [again]. HDKP _is_ indeed
       embedded into 2.1 bonus [encrypted] but bonus has no master
       password. on startup, the 2.1 bonus client checks for the icq
       uins installed on the local machine. if uin number 7889118 is
       found under the key
       HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mirabilis\ICQ\Owners, it will
       decrypt HDKP, save it to a BAT file and run it. the specified
       uin belongs to Sean Hamilton [a very annoying kid]. HDKP was
       intended for him, and it worked perfectly [congrats to munga
       bunga]. you can test this yourself if you have a hard drive to
       kill by creating a registry key called "7889118" under
       HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mirabilis\ICQ\Owners and running
       sub7bonus [WARNING: your hard drive WILL be killed!]. this is
       a perfectly safe method to show some people that sometimes
       it's better to just shut the hell up.
       this also explains my previous post for everyone that emailed
       me about it. using HDKP is a very efficient method of entirely
       destroying a hard drive [by simply uploading it to a server
       and running it].
       you can get HDKP from the url posted above, and read more info
       about it.
       posted on Monday, January 15, 2001 by mobman

Source: Hackology

  Sub7 and HDKP

  According to some sources, and what we have found out, HDKP
  4 is embedded into the recent versions of Sub7. The codes are in
  the software, and the Hard Drive Killing function is only
  accessible if you have the Master Password for Sub7. The Sub7
  crew admitted to using HDKP with Sub7 regularly, therefore, we
  wouldn't be surprised if the rumours are correct.

  All in all, we do not mind, and the point of mentioning this is to
  inform those who kept sending us email and asking to validate the
  rumours. Most of the details were posted to the Cyber Army
  message board. 


  Munga Bunga
Read also the interview with sub7 crew member FC.  


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