Manual of the PC Invader 0.5

Welcome to the manual of the PC Invader 0.5! Here you it will find all the information that it needs to leave its faster invasion, intelligent and above of all efficient one. I will choose a topic below and I start to invade, or I read this entire manual if to prefer.

0) New developments and limitations of this version

1) PC Invader
1.1) Customer
1.2) Server

2) Starting...
2.1) How to infect a PC?
2.2) How to invade a infect PC?
2.3) Tips to infect and to invade a PC

3) Commands of the PC Invader

4) F.A.Q.

5) On the PC Invader
5.1) PC Invader
5.2) Creator of the PC Invader
5.3) Gratefulness

0) New developments and limitations of this version

In this version 0,5 of the PC Invader, they had not had many innovations in relation version 0,45. Between most important them they are:
- a small " decipherer " for the function " Keyboard (To capture Keyboard keys) ", not to be so confused.
- Web site of the PC Invader bred ( to / ).
- Manual of the PC brought up to date Invader 0.5.
- Window " On " and " Gratefulness " brought up to date.
- Fixed errors in the Gerenciador of Archives.
- Now the Atualizador of the server of the PC Invader is not more necessary, is enough to order the server new and to execute.

In this version still they are lacking some things that go to be applied in the next versions to the PC Invader, as:
- Password in the server, to allow that the ones that know the password only enter in a PC.
- Solicitor of IPs infected with the server of the PC Invader.
- Function to discover the passwords of the PC.
- Function to habilitar/desabilitar the keyboard and its keyboard keys.
- Function to locate archives.
- Function to list open programs.
- Many other functions.

1) PC Invader

The PC Invader has two main programs and plus programs optional. They are they: PC Invader, Server of the PC Invader and PC Invader Killer.
- PC Invader(PCInvader.exe): Program customer, used to invade programs infected with the server of the PC Invader.
- Serving of the PC Invader(PCInvServ.exe): Serving program, this program must be executed in the PC to be invaded.
- PC Invader Killer(PCInvKiller.exe): Program that removes the server of the PC Invader.
OBS: The PC Invader Killer is part of Package PC Invader, for conseguiz it you will have that to speak with me.

1.1) PC Invader - Customer

With the customer of the PC Invader you it will invade a infected PC. Version 0,5 has 409 KB.
The customer has 5 menus: " Menu ", " To edit ", " Commands ", " Tools " and " Aid ".
The interface is divided in 3 groups: " To invade PC ", " Commands " and " Status ". In the group " To invade PC " you place the IP and the gate of the infected PC that you go to invade. In the group " Commands " the commands of the PC Invader are all, to execute a command it gives to a double click or a Enter. (OBS: When selecting a command will appear its description in the bar of status). In the group " Status " it is where you it will know what it is happening in the invasion, when executing a command will appear something as: "> Executing command... " and if the command will be successfully executed the server in the infected PC will answer something as: " - executed Command. ". The commands can also be executed by the menu " Commands ".

1.2) PC Invader - Serving

The server of the PC Invader is the program that you must order it PC to be infected. It will be active when the people to execute it in its PC. Version 0,5 has 233 KB.
The server of the PC Invader is total invisible and discrete.

2) Starting...

Here you he will learn to infectar and to invade somebody. I remember to invade a PC you I will need to infectar it with the server of the PC Invader, I will teach to it to make more ahead this.

2.1) How to infectar a PC?

Some ways exist to infectar a PC You can order the PCInvServ for somebody for email, ICQ, for IRC or any another way of transference of archives for the Net. You can also take the PCInvServ in diskette for the house of the person to be invaded and to execute the PCInvServ in the PC of it. But one remembers: you the person will only be able to invade the PC when to execute the PCInvServ.

2.2) How to invade a infected PC?

To invade a infected PC you it will only need to know its IP is alone There you to enter in the customer of the PC Invader and to place the IP of the person in the group " To invade PC " or to clicar in " Menu " later " Connecting ", the gate standard is the 14500. But you can move later. Later that to connect the group and the menu " Commands " they will be to its to make use you " to play the will ". If to appear an error message saying that it was not possible to connect is sign of that an error occurred, or then the PC that you are trying to invade is infected.

2.3) Tips to infectar and to invade a PC

1) You can rename the PCInvServ.exe for any name, thus you you will be able to say that such is a program.
2) If you want to invade any one, only for invading, you you can use the Solicitor of IPs infected.
3) How to catch the IP of the person after infectar it? This is one of the biggest doubts of the invaders. Some ways exist:
- In The Icq: Click with the button of menu (it can be the right left or) in nick that you want to discover the IP and later click in " Info ", you will see the IP there If to appear " N/A " you can use programs as ICQ IP Sniffer to discover the IP " the force " (This program is available in the page of the PC Invader).
- In The IRC: Nick types / dns and soon later it will appear the IP of the person in the Status. Some servers use spoofing in the IPs of the people nobody to discover the IP of nobody. In this in case that, to obtain the IP you he has a little of work. You can ask for person to it to use a DCC Chat with you or to ask for for it to order an archive to it, from there the IP of it will appear in the Status. Another skill is when ordering an archive or to ask for to a DCC Chat you executes the program netstat of the Windows: it goes in Iniciar, later Executing and types " command / k netstat - in " (without quotations marks). There it looks for for the IP of the person. In last case you can ask to the IP pra proper person with some excuse, hehe!

3) Commands of the PC Invader

The PC Invader has, so far, more or less, 63 commands. They well are organized in the menu " Commands ", and nor so organized in the group " Commands ".

Here all commands of the PC Invader and its description go:

Command Description
To justify Clock It makes right the clock of the Windows with the hour that you to choose. You have that to place the day, the year, the hour, the month, the minute, as and thousandth!
Archives (To copy) He copies an archive of a place for another one. You have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.exe) and the place of destination with the name of the archive (Former: c:\local\arquivo.exe).
Archives (Deletar) Delete an archive. You it will have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.exe).
Archives (To execute) It executes an archive (with its program standard) or a program. You it will have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.txt or c:\arquivo.exe).
Archives (To print) It prints an archive in the printer, can be TXT, rtf or BMP. You will have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.txt). OBS: The printer of the face has that to be on and with paper.
Archives (To order) It orders an archive of its PC for the invaded PC. You it will have that to select the archive to be ordered and the place of destination in the PC invaded with the name of the archive (Former: c:\pasta\arquivo.exe).
Archives (To move) It moves an archive of a place for another one. You it will have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.exe) and the destination of the archive with name of the archive (Former: c:\pasta\arquivo.exe).
Archives (To receive) You receive an archive from the PC invaded for its PC you will have that to place the path of the archive in the invaded PC (Former: c:\arquivo.exe) and to choose the place where you want to save it in its PC.
Archives (Rename) Renomeia an archive of a name for another one. You it will have that to place the path of the archive (Former: c:\arquivo.exe) and only the new name of the archive (Former: novonome.exe).
Gerenciador (Archives) " A small Windows Explorer ". When executing this command will open a new window where you it will be able to list the archives of a directory, to sail for the folders and being enough to choose one arquivo/pasta you will be able to execute the commands of archives and folders.
Taskbar (To hide) It hides the Windows Taskbar.
Taskbar (To show) The same one shows to the taskbar of the Windows in case it is hidden.
Beep in the PC It makes a racket (beep) in speaker of the PC You will have that to place the number of beeps (Former: 500).
Button To initiate (To hide) It hides the button To initiate, simply disappears.
Button To initiate (To qualify) It qualifies the button To initiate in case that the same he has been incapacitated.
Button To initiate (To show) It shows the button To initiate in case that the same he has been hidden.
Full box of Dialogue It shows an full box of dialogue in the PC of the face. You it will be able to choose the type, the buttons and the message of the box of dialogue.
Box of Dialogue Reply It shows to a box of dialogue with a box of expensive text it to answer (you it will receive the reply from it in the group " Status "). You will have that to place the heading of the box of dialogue (Former: PC in danger) e the message of the box of dialogue (Former: It types its password or it dies).
Box of Simple Dialogue It shows a box of simple dialogue. You it will have that to place only the message of the box (Former: It says crazy).
To capture Screen It captures the screen of the PC of the face. Depending on the connection this it can delay more or 2 minutes less. You it will have that to place the quality of the picture (Former: 100), a number of 1 the 100, but remembers that how much bigger the quality of picture more time will lead to capture the screen. When executing the command will appear a window with the percentage and a button " To show ". When finishing to capture the screen it is enough to aperter the button " To show " to see the screen of the face. If you to want can save the picture in JPG.
CD-ROM (To open) It opens drive of CD-ROM of the face. You it will have that to place the letter of drive (Former: D).
CD-ROM (To close) It closes drive of CD-ROM in case that the same it is opened. You it will have that to place the letter of drive (Former: D).
Disconnect PC It disconnect the PC of the face. You it will receive the reply from the server when the PC of the face will be being off.
Disconnect Programs It closes ALL the programs that will be opened! Also the connection of net, the server of the PC Invader... Everything! It is as if it restarted the PC of the face without restarting of truth.
Drives (Status) Drive checks the one status. You it will have that to place the letter of drive (Former: If you to ask for to the status of the CD-ROM it it will say if it has a COMPACT DISC in drive and if you to ask for of drive of diskette it it will say if it has diskette in drive.
To execute Program It executes a program. You it will have that it types the path of the program (Former: c:\programa.exe). OBS: It is not possible to execute archives with this command.
To print Text It prints a text that you type in the hour in the printer of the face. You it will have that to choose the size of the source and to type the message. There it is alone to clicar in Printing Text. The printer of the face has that estra on and with paper.
Information of the PC You it will have many information of the PC of the face, as: drives, printer, windows...
Windows (To close) It closes an open window. You it will have that to place the name of the window, that is written in the bar of heading. (Former: Note tablet - Without name).
Windows (To show) It shows an open window. You it will have that to place the name of the window, that is written in the bar of heading. (Former: Note tablet - Without name).
To clean Documents of Iniciar Clean the folder Documents of the Menu To initiate.
To clean Programs of Iniciar Clean the folder Programs of the Menu To initiate.
Monitor (Disconnect) It disconnect the monitor.
Monitor (To bind) It binds the monitor in case that the same he is off.
Mouse (To control) It controls mouse. For where its mouse will be mouse of the face will go.
Mouse (Desfisgar) It stops of fisgar mouse in case that the same he is being fisgado.
Mouse (To unlock) It unlocks mouse in case that the same it is stopped.
Mouse (Fisgar) It is pulling mouse not leaving the face to control mouse right. You it will have that to place pixels above and the left (Former: 30), this will be in the distance that mouse will be pulled.
Mouse (Position) Dumb the position of mouse. You it will have that to above place the position and the left (Former: 0), for example 0 will leave mouse in it sing left superior of the screen.
Mouse (To stop) It stops mouse. You it will have that to above place the position of mouse and the left (Former: 0), for example will leave mouse stopped in it sing left superior of the screen.
To change Wall Paper Dumb the paper of wall of the PC You will have that to place the path of picture BMP (Former: c:\imagem.bmp)
To change Resolution Dumb the resolution of the screen. When executing the command the PC Invader will get the available resolutions in the invaded PC and when the same one to appear is enough you to choose one and to clicar in Changing Resolution in the window that will appear.
Folders (To copy Archives) It copies all the archives of a folder for another place. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta), the type of archives (Former: *. *) and the folder of destination (Former: c:\pasta2).
Folders (To create) It creates a folder. You it will have that to place the path of the new folder (Former: c:\novapasta).
Folders (Delete Archives) Delete all the files of a folder. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta) and the type of archives (Former: *.*).
Folders (Delete) Delete a folder, its files and subfolders. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta).
Folders (To move Archives) It moves all the archives of a folder for another place. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta), the type of archives (Former: *. *) and the folder of destination (Former: c:\pasta2).
Folders (To move) It moves an entire folder of a place for another one. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta) and the destination of the folder (Former: c:\pasta2).
Folders (Rename) Rename a folder. You it will have that to place the path of the folder (Former: c:\pasta) and the new name of the folder with its path (Former: c:\pasta2).
Protection of Screen (To activate) Active the screen protection.
Protection of Screen (To disactivate) The same one disactivates the screen protection case is activated.
To restart PC It restarts the PC.
Server of FTP (Ativar) Active a server of ftp in the IP of the face, you can have access the PC of the face for any customer of ftp as CuteFTP, WS_FTP among others for the address: ftp://IPdoCara /. You it will have that to place the maximum number of people who can connect themselves in the ftp (Former: 5).
FTP Server (Disactivate) It disactivates the ftp server in case that the same he is activated.
Keyboard (To capture Keyboard keys) You he will see everything what the face to type and will see all the keyboard keys that it to pressure. When executing the command will appear a new window, to start to capture the keyboard keys is enough to clicar in Capturing.
Keyboard keys Special (To incapacitate) It incapacitates the combinations of keyboard keys: CTRL+ESC, ALT+ESC, ALT+TAB, CTRL+ALT+DEL...
Keyboard keys Special (To qualify) It qualifies the combinations of keyboard keys: CTRL+ESC, ALT+ESC, ALT+TAB, CTRL+ALT+DEL case the same ones are incapacitated.
To touch Sound Midi It touches a sound MIDI in the PC You will have that to place the path of sound MIDI (Former: c:\som.mid).
To touch Sound Wav It touches a sound WAV in the PC You will have that to place the path of sound WAV (Former: c:\som.wav).
Visit Web Page You open the navigating standard in a WWW address you will have that to place the address of the page (Former: /).

4) F.A.Q.

Its questions do not exist questions enough to create a FAQ. Mande stop: [email protected] .

5) On the PC Invader

Here you it will find information on the PC Invader and its creator.

5.1) PC Invader

The PC Invader was created in September of 1998. In the start it was well simple but later it was growing and acquiring new commands and functions. The reason of the creation of the PC Invader was that trojans existing did not supply my necessities. Some trojans were great excessively, others did not have certain commands that I desired that they had. As I did not have nothing pra to make, I decided to create this program.

5.2) Creator of the PC Invader

My name is Heraldo J. Carneiro Son, was born in $fortaleza-cAnd-Brazil in 1985 in day 11 of September, therefore I have 13 years. Study in the College Baptist where course 7a series. I gained my first PC in 96. I started to enter in net in 97. From there I learned HTML, VB, Delphi, beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code, Java and a little of C and C++, among others useless languages, hehe.
If to want to know more on me goes to ask therefore I to me in one is the Forrest Gump pra to be counting histories, hehe.
To contactar me:
ICQ: 7409039
Email: [email protected] , [email protected] .
IRC: # ceara, # mp3, # linux and # PCInvader of Brasnet.

5.3) Agradecimentos

Agrade�o alguns caras que dedicaram um pouco de tempo para ficar invadindo o povo: Jo�o Marcelo(Hellman) e Thiago Pierre. E tamb�m a outros doidos que tamb�m invadiram o povo. E tamb�m ao Pires sonhador e sua Microart.
Se esqueci o nome de algu�m me avise.

Copyright � Hecaf Systems, 1998-99
Todos os direitos reservados.
Criado por Heraldo J. A. Carneiro Filho

na��es de teclas: CTRL+ESC, ALT+ESC, ALT+TAB, CTRL+ALT+DEL caso as mesmas estejam desabilitadas. Tocar Som MIDI Toca um som MIDI no PC. Voc� ter� que colocar o caminho do som MIDI (Ex: c:\som.mid). Tocar Som WAV Toca um som WAV no PC. Voc� ter� que colocar o caminho do som WAV (Ex: c:\som.wav). Visita P�gina Web Abre o navegador padr�o num endere�o WWW. Voc� ter� que colocar o endere�o da p�gina (Ex:

4) F.A.Q.

N�o existem perguntas suficientes para criar um FAQ. Mande suas perguntas para: [email protected] .

5) Sobre o PC Invader

Aqui voc� encontrar� informa��es sobre o PC Invader e seu criador.

5.1) PC Invader

O PC Invader foi criado em setembro de 1998. No come�o era bem simples mas depois foi crescendo e adquirindo novos comandos e fun��es. O motivo da cria��o do PC Invader foi que os trojans existentes n�o supriam minhas necessidades. Alguns trojans eram grandes demais, outros n�o tinham certos comandos que eu desejava que tivessem. Como eu n�o tinha nada pra fazer, resolvi criar esse programa.

5.2) Criador do PC Invader

Meu nome � Heraldo J. A. Carneiro Filho, nasci em Fortaleza-CE-Brasil em 1985 no dia 11 de setembro, portanto tenho 13 anos. Estudo no Col�gio Batista onde curso a 7a s�rie. Ganhei meu primeiro PC em 96. Comecei a entrar na net em 97. Da� aprendi HTML, VB, Delphi, Basic, Java e um pouco de C e C++, entre outras linguagens in�teis, hehe.
Se quiser saber mais sobre mim vai me perguntar pois eu num sou o Forrest Gump pra ficar contando hist�rias, hehe.
Para me contactar:
ICQ: 7409039
Email: [email protected] , [email protected] .
IRC: #ceara, #mp3, #linux e #PCInvader da Brasnet.

5.3) Agradecimentos

Agrade�o alguns caras que dedicaram um pouco de tempo para ficar invadindo o povo: Jo�o Marcelo(Hellman) e Thiago Pierre. E tamb�m a outros doidos que tamb�m invadiram o povo. E tamb�m ao Pires sonhador e sua Microart.
Se esqueci o nome de algu�m me avise.

Copyright � Hecaf Systems, 1998-99
Todos os direitos reservados.
Criado por Heraldo J. A. Carneiro Filho
Translated into English by MasterRAT