by stacked_shit
Written in Visual Basic
Released in December 2002
Amitis 1.2 Client Information 1) It has got more than 400 ready to use options 2) As far as some bugs maybe found it , there is a bug report future made for it . so peoples can report the bugs to me 3) It has got all the usual options of a trojan and so many more 4) There is a programming section designed for the client and server so the peoples that know about javascript or Vbscript can make and run their scripts on Victim's PC 5) Amitis 1.2 is the only trojan that has got the LIVE UPDATE future it means that there is no need to go to sites and search for the updates of amitis 1.2 server file - you can simply update it from the main program consul 6) There is a WEEKLY TIPS option in it that you can click on it and get the weekly tip about amitis 1.2 7) Full help and tips has been provided for amitis 1.2 client side . you can simply move your mouse over the options you dont know about and get help about it . 8) Amitis 1.2 client side has been fully skined with an easy to use GUI Amitis 1.2 Server file information 1) Server is undetectable by zonealarm and is able to pass it 2) As norton antivirus can detect a programs that are sending a mail in silence - so the server closes the norton antivirus - but that doesnt help it not to get detected as a trojan by norton antivirus 3) As norton virus list is updated weekly so there would be a new server file every week in my site 4) Complete information about live server updates have been provided in client side informations text file 5) Server file wont be listed in Alt+Ctrl+Del list no matter what OS The victim Has - 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP . so if the victim get that list enabled , he/she wont find it there 6) Server is about 450 KB in unziped mode and 110 KB in ziped mode 7) Server wont save any string into the registery for startup method 8) Server has been set to be able to send IP# notifications to EMAIL and ICQ and msn 9) Server will make a copy of itself into the windows directory so if the main file get deleted the victim is still infected 10) Server disables the ALT+CTRL+DEL key combination 11) Server will auomatically send the requested notification as soon as The victim get connected to internet 12) Edit Server file is provided to modify the server settings 13) Server file will be updated weekly so antiviruses wont be able to detect it as a virus or backdoor . for updating the server file you can open the amitis 1.2 client side and goto LIVE UPDATE stacked_shit Server: size: 434.176 bytes & 512.000 bytes port: 27551 TCP startup: c:\windows\win.ini, [windows] "load"MegaSecurity