Aphex's Remote Packet Sniffer 0.2.0

by Aphex

more versions

Aphex's Packet Sniffer 0.2.0
0.2.0 - complete rebuild, easier interface and comes with a server editor
0.1.2 - adapters are now always listed in the correct order
0.1.1 - first release
Capture IPs - Logs all traffic to and from these ip addresses
Capture Ports - Logs all traffic to and from these ports
Capture Strings - Logs all traffic containing these strings (CASE SENSITIVE)
Server IP - Ip address of the packet server
Server Port - Port of the packet server
Server Pwd - Password of the packet server
Transmit Settings - Send the packet server your new settings
Retrieve Settings - Get the current packet server settings
This is a complete rebuild from 0.1.2 hence the larger version increase.
This version does not autorun or install itself in anyway.
You must install winpcap on the remote computer first. It installs invisibly thanks to Stan!
email: [email protected]

size 453 KB

port: 9090 TCP

