by Aphex
Aphex's Packet Sniffer 0.2.0 - 0.2.0 - complete rebuild, easier interface and comes with a server editor 0.1.2 - adapters are now always listed in the correct order 0.1.1 - first release - Capture IPs - Logs all traffic to and from these ip addresses Capture Ports - Logs all traffic to and from these ports Capture Strings - Logs all traffic containing these strings (CASE SENSITIVE) Server IP - Ip address of the packet server Server Port - Port of the packet server Server Pwd - Password of the packet server Transmit Settings - Send the packet server your new settings Retrieve Settings - Get the current packet server settings - This is a complete rebuild from 0.1.2 hence the larger version increase. - This version does not autorun or install itself in anyway. - You must install winpcap on the remote computer first. It installs invisibly thanks to Stan! - Aphex email: [email protected] Server: size 453 KB port: 9090 TCP startup: noneMegaSecurity