AutoSpY 1.2.2 Apocalipse

by Case

login: windll

password: 442-gts

passCode: 523-87-65

Written in Visual Basic

more versions

AutoSpY Appocalipse Now---------

General Info

AutoSpY release 1.2 Appocalipse Now By: Case
AsApocalipsenow.exe - Client used to connect to remote Destination
Server.exe - Server that Sends and Recieves Data and String Recongnition
Cleanit.exe - this file is a trojan cleaner, only for autospy, lets say you axidentally ran server.exe on your own system, thers no need to be panic, this will get rid of autospy port connection, deletes the trojan and removes it off the registry., unlike other trojans dont come with
R2D2 - telnet Backdoor

Client Size: 424kb
Server Size: 948kb
LOGIN: windll
PASSWORD: 65567213
passCode: 523-87-65
Comments: Over 25 new featers and new improved gui, and button interface included now its not only the command based.

(Sorry About this but it is important to keep you safe from the teachers, Bosses, Parents, Administrators and people who are rats)

Utilities included such as: Credit Card Generator, and AutoDial

Command Help

Kill - deletes what ever file you chose to delete. ex. (kill C:\windows\win.ini)
Deltree - deletes folder. ex. deltree C:\windows
systemtime - Get system time
showimage - shows a image file ex. showimage C:\mypic.jpg
webpage - opens url. ex. webpage
startapp - starts application. ex. startapp C:\autoexec.bat
spread - spreads this backdoor throughout network(has bugs and will be fixed soon)
msgbox - shows message. ex. msgbox you suck
msgbox16 - shows fatal error message. ex. msgbox16 windows corrunpted
msgbox48 - shows Warning message. ex. msgbox48 I will kill you
cdopen - opens cdrom
msgloop - unlimited error messages. ex. msgloop I will never stop
lockscreen - locks screen
userinput - users input
unlockscreen - unlocks the screen
view - views file. ex. view C:\mysecrets.txt"
hangup - disconnects users internet
close - server closes
beepdead - unlimited computer beeping
beep - computer beeps
bview - views files
taskhide - hides taskbar
taskshow - shows taskbar
LockWorkStaion - locks workstation
FatalAppExit - fatal app exit
FatalExit - fatal win exit
terminate - exit windows
mkdir - creates folder in C:\you_suck
frmauto - Turns the screen black and in the middle in green letters displays "AutoSpY Has You......"
keyboardscrew - This replaces the keyboard keys. ex. if you press x it will type q instead.
swap - this revearses the mouse buttons
ping - pings a search engines ip, I'm not saying wich
Sound - this plays the tada sound
sysrename - this renames notepad.exe to and 5 other system files
GetTickCount - this gives you how much time spend on the computer
info - this gives you the complete info, all the registries 
nraider - Show Nude Picture of Lara Croft
antikill - This deletes virus scanners system files, including zone alarm firewall
noteloop - This runs notepad non stop
urls - Get all typed websites
virii - Executes a virus
tel - opens port 23, not nessesary cause it opens even if the server is ran
copy - This makes bunch of batch files and copies all over the c Drive
including copies itself in every zipped file :)
colors - This Changes the system colors
sysrename - This renames the systemfiles in windows folder
Spread - this trojan spreads in outlook(just like a worm)
cons - This shows the command prompt saying Appocalipse is coming soon
inputloop - infinite inputboxes
inputbox - Input Box
msgboxokcancel - Shows messagebox in Ok cancel
msgboxignore - Shows messagebox in Abort, Retry, Fail
msgboxyesno - Shows Messagebox in Yes, No
msg3 - 3 message one, by one. ex. messagebox says "you're" when click ok
then another one pops up "Stupid"
bsod - Shows The Blue screen of death saying
"Fatal System Crash Adress in 000000036 Please Re-install Windows" Pretty damn scary!!!

The End
1.3 coming soon ;-)

dropped files:

size: 948 KB

port: 23, 6556 TCP

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "MsUpdate" 
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "windows" 
