BADtch R.A.T. 0.2

by Mr Hawk

Released in September 2007

Made in Germany

more versions

Version 0.2

[*] Dos-CMD (can use more parameter)
[*] read fav (path with space)
[*] check if the telnetserver exist
[*] Hosthijack-Filepath gefixt
[*] new menu
[*] big call_syntax-error
[*] Ü/Ä/Ö change to UE/AE/OE
[*] better script notify

[#] Login_cmd-Inject
[#] Script-Password
[#] get Vic-IP
[#] SIN (IP/date/time/os/username/userdomain)
[#] IRC-Notify (experimental)
[#] 3 more RegStartups

[#] lasttools	 	     list last progs
[#] starturl (url)            Open URL
[#] makefav (favname)(favurl) create Favorit
[#] playme (file)             Play (aif,auf,avi,midi,mov,mpeg,sound)
[#] stopme (file)             Stopt Sound
[#] 3dtext ("text")[para_num] 3D-Text-Scr  [1=start Scr]
[#] marquee("text")[para_num] Marquee-Scr  [1=start Scr]
[#] wall ("path") [para_num]  set new Wallpaper [0=center;1=next to each other;2=stretch]
[#] listuin                   list ICQ-UIN
[#] readuin                   read ICQ-UIN
[#] msgbox "msg"              Msgbox
[#] beep {delay}              Beep {Delay}


[#] there is a serversetup :o)
[#] Create Autorun.inf


[#] View_Dialogs_Plugin open 47 differnt Dialog-Windows
[*] Printer_Plugin: HTML-Seite drucken

[#] plugin_cdkeystealer
[#] plugin_dialogs
[#] plugin_kb_code
[#] plugin_syscolor
[#] plugin_roh  (basic plugin, if you want to code your own)
[#] plugin_printer


Tested on Windows XP
September 24, 2007
