Barrio 4.0

by Barrio Group

Written in Visual C++

Released in december 2000

Made in Russia

more versions

Barrio trojan - a program to get different passwords from other machine.
Barrio trojan will send reports to your E-Mail each time person connects to internet.

What you can find in reports:

- Dial-Up password
- Cached resourses
- Crypted passwords from E-Type Dialer
- Everything that was pressed in some windows (Login request e.t.s.)

To configure trojan you should run "btrcfg.exe". You need to type your
E-Mail address and a SMPT server (can be found on you e-mail`s
provider web-site).

size: 121 KB

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\������ �������� Barrio Trojan\Shell\Open\Command "(Default)" 
