by ksv
Released in July 2007
Changes from v1.2 public build: Clipboard logger added to keylogger. * fwb+ improved to bypass latest Outpost fw on all systems and from restricted accounts. * Firefox passwords updated to work with FF version 2. * Firewall and antivirus information are extracted from windows security center. * New column in main window to show the current active window of the remote computer. * "System Info" improved to show system and keyboard language. Ping time, idle time and active window is also displayed there and updated regularly. * "Windows List" improved to also display hidden window and active window. * Stability of file downloads improved. * Treeview added to file manager. * Download manager added, where downloads can be paused, moved up, down and removed. * File manager now stores the directory contents in a cache during the session, so no info from server is needed when revisiting a directory. * Thumbnail view added. Thumbnails are also automatically extracted as jpg files in the user folder. * Option to delete the thumbnails when file manager is closed. * Option to slow down downloading of files, to avoid using up too much bandwidth. * Added option to play wave file from the file manager. * Server modified to run on Vista 64bit. Keylogger and protected storage passwords seems not to work. * Server is not dropped from the client anymore. Settings can be imported and exported from the builder. * Multiple bugs in both server and builder causing offline keylogger to always start if plugin was included at build. * Improved stability in activex startup method. Server: Dropped File: c:\Program Files\Bifrost\server.exe Size: 56,189 bytes Added to Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{9D71D88C-C598-4935-C5D1-43AA4DB90836} "stubpath" Data: C:\Program Files\Bifrost\server.exe s Tested on Windows XP August 03, 2008MegaSecurity