BioNet 2.10.1b ME

by ®ëZmØnd

Made in United Kingdom

more versions

With release 10 we are THE ONLY
trojan currently to have a custom
notify CGi and to be able to email 
you all offline keystrokes when the
server comes online.
No longer do you have to rely on ICQ
to tell you when they are online
No longer do you have to wait for
them to come online to download their logs.

Current BioNet Version : 2.10.X BIONET ME

** New Advanced Notify CGI option (Versions above 2.9) ***

When the server is online it may send data to execute a remote perl script file.
The format box will define what is posted to the CGI script.
if you use %i in the format box it will be replaced with the server ip.
  take the ip of the server as 
  enter in the format box "TheIP=%i" (without quotes)
  the result posted to the script would then be "TheIP="
A list of key variables currently available are as follows

%i = server ip address
%p = remote port
%m = mode  "Stealth" or "Visible"
%u = user name     (windows info)
%c = computer name (windows info)

New to release 10

 * Advanced CGI notification
   now the posiblilities are endless 
   create a victims web page.
 * keylog fix the offline keyloger will nolonger cause file io errors 
 * Offline keylogger can now email you the recorded strokes when they come online
 * improved accessability , GUI changes , huge performance enhancements
   tidyed up the code made the server execute about 90% more efficient
   server now executes almost instantly.
 * Client shortcut bar as requested making the most used functions easy to access


size: 266 KB

port: 12349 TCP


