Boss Watcher 1.0
(Not detected by AVP on july 21, 2004)

by Portnoy

Written in Microsoft Visual C++

Released in may 2003

Boss Watcher is a combination of the two programs that allow you to watch the screens of the computers of your local network.
One program is BWServer. It is running on the remote computer. It sends screenshots to the BWClient program that
is running on your computer. The programs use TCP/IP protocol. BWServer starts as a system process and does not have any
user interface. BWClient has a convenient interface. User chooses a computer name from the tree control in the left pane.
Double click on the computer name shows its screen in the right pane. Names of the computers where BWServer is executed 
are displayed in the tree using bold font. Any number of logical lines BWServer � BWClient are available. 


size: 221.184 bytes

port: 3182 TCP

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "UdpServices"
