by manga_man
Written in Visual Basic
Released in May 2002
Current Features in v0.3 ------------------------ Unchangable Website - Launch a web site full screen and they can'r change or close it. Message Box - Open a message box with a title a message that you want. Launch Program - Launch a prog on their computer. Delete Program - Delete a prog on their computer. Keyboard Breaker - Their comp types in what ever you want and then presses enter until they restart. Crash PC - They get 3 blue screen errors and then their PC goes into meltdown. Chat - You get to have a simple chat with the victim. Leahcim Chat - A more complec chat using IRC but they might not login. Blackout - Their screen goes black and any key they press they get a error Edit Autoexec - Edit autoexec.bat on thier comp! Beep - Pointless, their computer beeps Status - Just a status screen but it alos tells you what time you done something. manga_man Server: size: 44 KB port: 3100 TCP startup: noneMegaSecurity