Bugs Prey 0.13

by StarDust

Written in Delphi

Released in December 2005

more versions

0.13    beta release:
	FIX: a bug when the clipboard was empty fixed.
	FIX: when an error all screens will be closed.
	FIX: Clear in the screenshot now works.
	FIX: the server can run only one instance
	FIX: an issue while restating the machine was fixed
	CHANGE: the server is 10K smaller.
	ADD: Windows Shutdown, Logoff and restart was added.
	ADD: a customize message box can be sent to the victom.
	ADD: an option to clear the victom's clipboard was added.
	ADD: screen capture compression usage.
	ADD: the server can show an error message when the victom runs it.


dropped file:
size: 121,095 bytes 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Login"
data: C:\WINDOWS\svdhost.exe 	

tested on Windows XP
January 06, 2006
