by Master
Written in Visual Basic
Compressed with ASPack
Released in february 2000
Anonymous access with privileges of root on folders and files. [ write / read / rename / it moves ] Concurred: RETR / BOUNCE / SITUATED EXEC The program is in VB5, therefore it is necessary that the the server host has the Runtime dll. The connection happens exclusively through the standard winsock.dll, without uses it of activeX type mswinsock.ocx or winsck.ocx. The ftp server opens up port 21 and the active processes are absolutely hidden and do therefor not appear in the task bar or task list. Only to a advanced search on the modules loaded through memory tools you will see an active service with the specific name given to the rows physical of the program. FAMOUS: the program is devised specifically for being used with the browser ftp of windows commander, therefore it is probable that other browsers give some problems. It has the advantage of being only 20k and is therefore a small ftp server. Server: size: 24 KB port: 21 TCP startup: noneMegaSecurity