by porno-sonic
Written in Visual Basic
Released in May 2003
========================================================= - CODE INJECTION DOWNLOADER - ========================================================= This is a test release of a VB6 web downloader that uses interprocess memory injection on windows 2000 and XP. (similar to the injection process that BO2K used, and others later termed as "firewall bypass") This serves 2 purposes: - The program does not show up in the active process list - The program will ask for internet access under the name of the program it was injected into rather than it's own. When executed, the server: - displays a fake error message (optional) - extracts and runs bound file (optional) - disable Norton and McAfee AV (2000 and XP) - attempts to inject into Kazaa (2000 and XP) - If Kazaa is not running, it then injects into explorer - The server then downloads the remote file, renames it to .exe and executes it. - Delete's itself from disk (continues to run in memory.) - on 9x boxes, it hides from the tasklist by registering itself as a service, downloads, runs, and ends. - To end the the process on 2000/XP just close Kazaa or explorer (depending on where it was injected) porno-sonic Server: size: 8.767 bytes startup: none added: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\winmedia\accessMegaSecurity