by Satan_addict
Written in Delphi
Released in June 2003
Possible bot commands: ====================== !cmd irccommand (allows you to do any other command, ex:"!cmd PRIVMSG nick : text") !ident pwd (login to the bot using the password) !join #channel !lock pwd (to reset the bot and allow a different nick to login) !mode #channel -+airsvwoO nick (mode commands, ex:"!mode #satanzcrew +o satan_addict") !nick newnick (change bot nick) !nid pwd (nickserv identify a registered nick) !nreg nick pwd (nickserv register an unregistered nick,ex:"!nreg mynewnick 12345") !owner (shows the current owner of the bot) !part #channel (leaves channel) !quit (quits irc and then returns) !say #channel/nick:text (says text to channel or to nick, ex:"!say flippmode:hello") !texton (shows every text that bot receives in query window) !textoff (turns bot text off) !version (shows bot version and compilation date) Satan_addictMegaSecurity