by MySelf
Released in May 2006
2) Features - Reverse connection - Firewall bypass (Using Code injection) - Small serversize: 13kb Unpacked - Remote Console - Persistant server - Web Downloader 3) Manual Install directory: For the install directory you can use environment variables, for example %systemroot% will be replaced with C:\Windows,E:\Windows,... there are more aviable like: %SystemDrive%, %Temp% Notice: Make sure this ends with .exe! Persistant: If this function is activated the server will be rewritten when deleted and the process restarted when killed. Notice: It could be hard to remove the server from the remote computer! Injection: The process in that the server should be injected. Notice: Not all processes work! If you don't know what you are doing leave this on default. Download: The downloads are stored in the directory the server is installed, for example C:\Windows. After the download is finished the server will tell you through console output. MySelf Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\server.exe Size: 13,385 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ConsoleDevil" data: C:\WINDOWS\server.exe tested on Windows XP May 17, 2006MegaSecurity