by Ukoknoway
Clone of Latinus
Written in Delphi
Released in August 2002
Cyber-Hazard 1.2 Directions: 1) Get server.exe executed on victim computer 2) Get the victim computer's IP address 3) Go to your computer, open the client 4) Insert IP and Server's port # and click connect. 5) Have Phun Tested and works on: Windows 98, Me Untested on: Windows 3.x, 2000, NT Test and is disfunctional on: Windows XP (server does not execute). Updates: Offline keylogger: so you can upload it and it will save all keystrokes, it also starts on bootup so you get every keystroke logged CHN Browser was put in so you can get the latest news in Cyber-Hazard Edit server has more options, Fake Error Message, Shell Execute and compression 1.3 will have more stuff in Cyber-Hazard and the Edit Server Keep Hacking'N'Cracking -Ukoknoway- Server: C:\WINDOWS\System Msv60.exe size: 509 KB port: 12321, 29559 TCP startup: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "System Msv69"MegaSecurity