by Ghirai
Released in November 2001
Made in Visual Basic
CyberSpy v8.0 built 8.2.2 Telnet Release <<Documentation>> INTRODUCTION -CS 1.8 is a Telnet-based trojan; it means that you don't need any client to connect, you just use your favourite terminal. TECHINICAL INFO -it's written in VB6 and uses winsock, so if you get an error running the file, you can find the runtimes on the site(most of the people have these files) -the server listens on PORT 200 for a connection, therefore set the remote port in your terminal to 200. -it has a total of about 47 commands; to see a list of the commands, type "help", and to see what a command does, type "help command" (without the quotation marks); it's very simple to use... -the commands are listed alphabetically, so you can find what you need quicker -no need to list the commands here, you'll see them when you type help... -the size of the server should be 53,8KB, you can rename it to anything you want, just leave a exe extension. -it supports multiple clients TIP -when connecting to someone, first thing you should do is get the passwords, by typing "passwords". Ghirai Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSGSVR16.EXE.exe size: 55.156 bytes port: 200 TCP startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Msgrv16" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "Msgrv16" c:\windows\system.ini, [boot] "shell" added: c:\WINDOWS\winstart.batMegaSecurity