by Sùpê®chåchí
Written in Visual Basic
Released in March 2002
Sùpê®chåchí ° ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS IT ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DepthCharge is a remote mail bomber. It was written in VB6, so infected computers will need the proper runtimes to be installed. DepthCharge v.1.1 does NOTrequire winsock.ocx. Once your configured server is run, it will bomb a selected email address through an SMTP open relay mail server. To prevent blocking and filtering, DepthCharge randomizes the from address, the subject line, and the email message. From a built in library, it generates realistic subject lines rather than just a random string of text. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOw DOES IT WORK ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The first time the server is run, it adds itself to the registry so that it will load each time the infected computer starts. The server will run silently for 3 minutes to prevent loading errors, and then it will start bombing. With the editor, you can set how many times you want your server to bomb, and the amount of emails sent each time run. This allows you to flood the living shit out of someone's inbox without doing any work, and with very little chance of being traced. Looking for the source of the flood will lead them to the infected IP ... not yours! :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DO I USE THE EDITOR ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the editor (48.5 KB) Most features are locked until you open a server. Click the Select Server button and select the server file called "Packed_server.exe" (26.2 KB). Once the server settings have been loaded, the features that were previously unavailable become unlocked. You are now ready to edit your server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature - PASSWORD PROTECT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This will prevent others from opening up your servers and seeing your settings. If your flood is traced back to the infected computer, and they find the server, we don't want them to be able to gain access to your personal info like your notify address do we ? When you save the server, your password and other settings are encrypted before being added to the server file. JUst click the Enable Password Protect checkbox, and enter your password in both input boxes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature - BIND FILE WITH .EXE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can choose to hide you server file inside another .exe file. When run, the file you've binded the server to will run normally as your DC server installs in the background. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature - MESSAGE SETTINGS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty straight forward. Read the hints. USe the SMTP tester to find an open relay mail server that will work with DepthCharge. I have also included a list of 120 SMTPs that I have tested. Test those in the tester, or search on google for others. The rest of it is really straight forward. If you can't figure it out, you shouldn't be bombing anyone. Like I said before. This is to be used with a trojan. Don't contact me asking how to infect people. Sùpê®chåchíMegaSecurity
Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\chubby.exe size: 26.814 bytes startup: none