Destruction Designs Beta

by kAoTiX

Written in Visual Basic

Released in January 2006

more versions

Here is a list of what is completed so far:

Reverse Connection
Direct Connection
Balloon Notifications (Connect/Disconnect)
Disconnect Server
Close Server
Remote CMD
IP Blacklisting (bug fixed)
Enable/Disable Welcome Message
Enable/Disable Blocked IP msgs
File Manager
Quick Navigation for file manager
Process Manager
Kill Process
File Transfer With File Que(Upload and Download)
Resident Server (Startup Methods - 8 Currently In Use)
Visible or stealth server option when creating/editing a server
Client to server chat
Plugin Engine - Now complete
Server sharing
Server Melting
Customizable server icon
Add bytes to created server
Add bytes on execution
Addin Engine (Currently Under Testing)
New Protocol

dropped files:
size: 86,816 bytes 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows Update Pwnz"
data: C:\WINDOWS\Server.exe 

tested on Windows XP
May 15, 2006
