DSK-Lite 1.0 (a) version 2

by Alchemist & r3l4x

Written in Visual Basic

Released in June 2003

more versions


   ( Main )

File Manager - Get Drives
               Refresh Dir
               Delete File
               Play Wav
               Rename File
               Get File Size
               Make Dir
               Displays Current Path

Process Manager - Retrieve Processes
                - Kill Process
                - Retrive A/v Filewall Kill List
                - Add Exe to Kill List
                - Set Killing Time (1 - 60 Seconds)

Windows Control - Close Windows
                - Maximize 
                - Minimize
                - Hide
                - Show
                - Send Keys

Infomation - General Infomation
             Save List

Webdownloader - Download & Execute File's From the net

File Search - Find any kind of file in ant Dir
            - Download found files
            - Delete File
            - Get File Size
            - Rename File
            - Remove Items
            - Clear List

Server - Retrieve Server Info
       - Close Server
       - Save Details
       - Reboot Pc

Cd Keys - Steal Victims Cd keys
        - Save Stolen Keys

Webcam Capture - Start/Stop Capturing Cam
               - Save Images
               - Select Jpg Compresion

Screen Capture - Start/Stop Capture
               - Save Images
               - Select Jpg Compresion

Chat - Open/Close Chat
     - Set vics Nick
     - Set Your Nick
     - Save Chat
     - Send Chat
     - Determine If victim is typing or not

Registry - Read Values
         - Set Values
         - Delete Values

Message Boxes - Send Fake Message Boxes
              - Infomation type
              - Exclamation Type
              - Critical Type
              - Question Type
              - Set Tile
              - Set Body
              - Test & Send Messages

Transfer Management - Unlimited que'ing system for upload/dload
                    - reset Uploads/downloads (sometimes the dloads will pause if file isnt found)
                    - Remove a transfer
                    - Remove All Transfers
                    - Toggle Transfers up/down que
                    - Displays Transfer Status
                    - Displays Current Transfer
                    - Displays Remaing in que
                    - Displays Kb of Kb Complete
                    - Displays % Comlete
                    - Displays Speed

SIN Console - Start Listening on Selected Port
            - Reverse Connect to Servers
            - Remove Servers
            - Copy ip's
            - save ip's
SIN Settings - Enable/Disable Msn Style Popups
             - Enable/Disable Sounds
             - Msn Style Sound
             - Yahoo Style Sound
             - Icq Style Sound
             - Aim Style Sound
             - Test Sounds

About - Show Details On Dsk - Lite v1
      - View The Disclaimer

Server Builder - Select Server Port's (main & Transfer)
               - Set Server Password
               - Set Victim Name
               - Kill A/v & Firewalls (over 150)
               - Melt Server
               - Registry Run Start-up
               - Registry Run Services Start up
               - Active X Start up
               - Set Server Name
               - Set Registry Name
               - Set Fake Error Body/Title/Format
               - Webdownloader (Dload & Execute A file on install)
               - SIN Notify Ip/Port
               - Icq Notify
               - CGI Notify
               - PHP Notify
               - Build Server with UPX
               - Build Server with Fsg
               - Build Server Unpacked
Alchemist & r3l4x			   

size: 223.744 bytes


size: 106.934 bytes (unpacked)

port: 890 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows 


