DYA 2.0

by Doctor bbllOnnkk

aka DoS Your Ass

Written in Visual Basic

Released in July 2004

more versions


What's New With DYA 2.0

-DYA 2.0 New DoSing Speed Selector
-DYA 2.0 New IP Coder / IP Hider
-DYA 2.0 New Program Caption Changer
-DYA 2.0 New Victim DoSing Message Chooser

-DYA 2.0 New : New Age DoS
-DYA 2.0 New : Invisible DoS (Part Of DYA 3.5 Technology)
-DYA 2.0 New DoS Code Debugger
-DYA 2.0 New DoS Code Recopy Option
-DYA 2.0 New Restart DoS Session Button

-Has More Servers In Server Information Environment

-All New DYA 2.0 Interface
-All New DYA 2.0 Icon

-DYA 2.0 New Back Up Connection Method (Part Of DYA 3.5 Technology)

Doctor bbllOnnkk

Server (D Filed.exe):

size: 196.608 bytes

port: 456 TCP

