DYA 3.5

by Doctor bbllOnnkk

aka DoS Your Ass

Written in Visual Basic

Released in August 2004

more versions


What's New With DYA 3.5

-All New DYA Interface
-DYA 3.5 Splash Screen
-DYA 3.5 Interchangeable Interface
-DYA 3.5 GUI Design Features

-DYA 3.5 Fun Stuff Colum
-DYA 3.5 Crazy Restarts
-DYA 3.5 Elite And Crazy Boxes
-DYA 3.5 Smiley Faces

-All New DYA 3.5 Icon
-All ocx Files Included

-Provides DYA and DYA 2.0 Read Me Ups For Extra Help

-OVER ALL: Just Alot of Bugs Corrected

About DYA 3.5 Send Files

IF you have tried connecting with an IP and the connection STILL does not 
connect, THEN SEND the victim these two files (that are located in the "DYA 
3.5 Send Files" Folder) : D File and D Filed.  Send the victim those two files 
and tell them to open both and click: ok.  Once the victim has both: D File and
D Filed open then the connection will work.

Doctor bbllOnnkk

Server (D Filed.exe):
size: 196.608 bytes

port: 456 TCP

