EES Gateway 1.2

by RaGe

Server written in Microsoft Visual C++

Released in January 2005

more versions

EES Gateway 1.2 by RaGe

Added Features for 1.2
The main addition to EES Gateway is the clientside ability to detect when remote reverse servers have
received an incoming connection or have lost it and connect or disconnect from the local app socket
accordingly. The ability to do this in-client makes syncronization so much better, as before you would
have to constantly check for updates and manually click the Local Connect button or Local Disconnect
button based on notifications alone. 

Fixed an error regarding a notification of events. Also redid the notification system and made it less

Fixed Retrieve Status button disable issue by just allowing users to always have access to the button.

Auto Request Status upon Gate creation. This also makes things far easier to read and removes the users'
need to manually request status updates every time a new Gate is made.

Note: This functionality will not be present in servers that are version 1.0 or 1.1. For the client to
make use of this auto forward connection, the server must send the extra 10th bit along with
notifications. Clients that are 1.0 or 1.1 will not make use of this extra bit and will function as it
did before.


Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\system32\blah.exe size: 82,290 bytes startup: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "DllLoader" data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\blah.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "DllLoader" data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\blah.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce "DllLoader" data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\blah.exe tested on Windows XP November 09, 2005
