by HelioS
Written in Visual Basic
Released in December 2003
+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ IRC NOTIFIER COMMANDS ¦ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ !login;<password> login as master/admin to the server !logout logout as master/admin !getversion server will report the server version !getip server will report the victims ip !connect;<ip>;<port> server will connect to the ip and port where a client is listening on !quit makes the server quit !end makes the server end !uninstall makes the server uninstall itself !getreg;<fullregistrykeyname> server will report the value of that reg key !raw;<rawirccommand> server will send a raw irc command to the irc server !kill;<exename> server will try to close the given exe !killservice;<servicename> server will try to close the given service !reroute server will rerout all messages in channel and private message to his master !downloadrun;<url> server will download a file from the internet and open/run it !flood;<ircuser>,<times>;<message> server will message the ircuser !free server will allow anybody to execute server commands not only the master/admin !reconnect server will reconnect to the irc server !set;... server will update his settings ;nick;<newircname> ;channel;<newircchannel> ;server;<newircserver> ;pass;<newpassword> ;icq;<newicqnumber> HelioS < Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\elfRAT.exe size: 73.728 bytes port: 6969 TCP startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ELFRAT"MegaSecurity