About ErrMess
ErrMess Remote Computer is a remote control program that lets you work on another computer through your own.
The system includes two applications
ErrMess Server, which is installed on a remote computer.
ErrMess Client, which is installed on the local computer.
To get started, make sure ErrMess Server is running on the remote computer. Then run ErrMess Client on the local computer and connect to the remote computer via the existing TCP/IP connection.
ErrMess Client supports Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008.
ErrMess Server supports Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008.
User-friendly interface: ErrMess is intuitive and very easy to use.
Rich functionality (file transfer, text chat, webcam viewer, messages, etc.)
Technical support.
How to use ErrMess
The system includes two applications:
ErrMess Client installed on a local computer.
ErrMess Server installed on a remote computer.
To get started, make sure ErrMess Server is running on the remote computer. Then run ErrMess Client on the local computer and connect to the remote computer.
Remote Computer - computer that is being controlled / connected to.
Local Computer - the computer used to connect to the remote computer.
ErrMess Server - part of ErrMess Remote Computer that is installed on the remote computer and
waits for a connection. When the user connects to it, ErrMess Server will apply user activity to the remote computer and transfer responses(for example, desktop images) back to the local computer.
ErrMess Client - part of ErrMess Remote Computer that is installed on the local computer and is used to connect to the ErrMess Server on the remote computer. ErrMess Client allows the user to control the remote computer via different connection modes.
Connection mode - the means of working with the remote computer.
Installing and uninstalling ErrMess
System requirements
ErrMess Remote Computer has no special hardware requirements. If your computer is capable of running Windows 95 or higher, the ErrMess Client will run.
ErrMess Client
Will run on Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/2008 Server
* Running Webcam Viewer will require a webcam on the remote computer.
ErrMess Server
Will run on Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista/2008 Server
Before installation
Both computers need to be connected by TCP/IP on a local network, modem-to-modem, or over the Internet.
ErrMess Server should be installed on the remote computer.
ErrMess Client should be installed on the local computer.
You should uninstall all earlier versions of ErrMess Server before installing a new version.
Installing ErrMess (ErrMess Client or ErrMess Server, or both):
Run errclient.exe to install ErrMess Client.
A file named «filecopy.avi» will be unpacked at this location «C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\»
Run errserver.exe to install ErrMess Server.
Four files(«filemove.avi», «FileCopy.avi», «FILEDEL.avi» and «vic32.dll» will be unpacked at this location «C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\». «settings.ini» will be unpacked at the same location as «errserver.exe»
On Windows XP the ErrMess Server will automatically add itself to the build-in Firewall to allow incoming connections for ErrMess Server.
Uninstalling ErrMess Remote Computer
ErrMess Client can be uninstalled by removing «filecopy.avi» and «errclient.exe»
ErrMess Server can be uninstalled by removing «filemove.avi», «FileCopy.avi», «FILEDEL.avi», «settings.ini», «vic32.dll» and «errserver.exe»
Connecting to a remote computer
To connect to a remote computer:
Make sure ErrMess Server is running on the remote computer.
Get the remote computer's IP address or DNS name.
Start ErrMess Client on your local computer.
Enter the remote computer's IP address and click «Connect»
Enter the default password «PASS».
You should now get a confirmation box saying you have successfully connected.
After connecting, you can work with the remote computer. ErrMess Remote Computer offers additional methods to work with the remote computer: you can simply view the remote screen, or connect via a telnet-like shell, or even use a chat to talk with the remote computer's user.
Obtaining the remote computer's IP address
You will need the remote computer's IP address or DNS name to connect to it. You can obtain it in the following ways:
Run the ipconfig.exe command (winipcfg.exe under Windows 95) from the remote computer's command-line and examine the 'IP address' field.
To obtain DNS name, run the ipconfig.exe with /all command-line switch and examine the 'host name' and 'primary dns suffix' fields.
You can also use the included file called «whatismyip.exe»
Connecting over LAN
If the remote computer is accessible via the local area network (LAN), you can connect to it directly using its IP address or DNS name.
If an IP address is dynamic (different each time) then any third party program can be used to display the IP address change or to map the IP address to a static DNS name.
If the remote computer is not accessible directly, you can connect by using LAN or WAN routers/proxy configuration:
1. Proxies/routers that have both direct Internet access and remote computer access can be configured for port forwarding.
2. You can use third party software for tunneling or callback connection to create a virtual TCP/IP connection.
Connecting over the Internet
If the IP address is dynamic (different each time) then you can use any third party program to learn the IP address or to map the IP address to a static DNS name.
If the remote computer has a virtual IP address or is not accessible directly via the Internet:
1. You can configure proxies/routers that have both direct Internet access and remote computer access for port forwarding.
2. You can use third party software for tunneling or callback connection to create a virtual TCP/IP connection.
Connecting tips
If the remote computer can't be connected :
1. Make sure ErrMess Server is running on the remote computer.
2. Ping the remote computer from the local computer. If it cannot be pinged :
- Ensure that the IP address or DNS name of the remote computer is valid and accessible by pinging it from itself and from any other linked computers.
3. If the remote computer has a firewall installed, make sure it is correctly configured.
Contact us
Support Forum:
[email protected]