Ghost Radmin 2.1 (c)

by illwill

Written in Assembly

Released in June 2004

more versions

Ghost Radmin 2.1
Coded by illwill in ASM

 a 1.24kb program that silently installs Radmin on a 
 remote computer for win9x/me/nt/2k/xp.
 basically it downloads the radmin server and dll from the
 web and adds the proper registry keys for it to function.
* only 1.24 kb 
* installs radmin with a password and port that you choose
      (default port is 4899 and pass is LetMeIn )

first get a website and upload r_server.exe and AdmDll.dll

1. extract all files from zip to a folder
2. open up editor.exe
3. select the  [...] to browse for server.exe
4. once server selected press read
5. change the settings to your liking
        a. url:    web address of r_server.exe  
	b. dll:    web address of AdmDll.dll
        c. pass:   the password of the server
        d. port:   the port you connect to
6. write the settings to the server
7. compress it
8. Enjoy


size: 2.560 bytes
