by Shappz
Written in Visual Basic
Released in January 2005
This is one of the only HTTP Trojans out there. This is a very simple program for the end user :P, all you have to do is put the settings you want in, for example if you use port 1337, once you have sent this server to the victim you go into Internet Explorer and connect to their ip like this: http://<someIP>:1337. You must use Internet Explorer because.. erm actually there isn't really a reason other than it wont work right :D. This program includes a file manager which you can download,view,delete and execute remote files on the victim pc. It also has a screen capture feature to view what the user is doing. There are also some fun options. Just take a look once you have connected :D Shappz Server: dropped file: c:\rat.exe size: 55,904 bytes port: 1337 TCP startup: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "rat.exe" data: c:\rat.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "rat.exe" data: c:\rat.exe tested on Windows XP February 25, 2005MegaSecurity