Infinity WebDownloader 1.0

by r3L4X

Written in Visual Basic, source included

Released in June 2003

Pretty nice downloader made while i was moving. 6.5 kb stub w/o FW/AV
Kill, and 8.5 with. Why is it named Infinity Downloader you ask? Cuz
you have the ability to download a extremely large amount of files 
(up to 10,000) in a very easy to manage way. Simply add a new download,
type the URL of where it downloads and type the local name. %T for temp
directory, %S for system dir., and %W for windows directory, or you can
type in your own like C:\somthing.exe.
You may also choose the way it executes,like hidden, normal or not at all.

When you go to make the server, you have a choice of wether you want melt & kill
functions, wether you want to continue downloading your list of files if an
error occours or stop completely. Automatic packing with FSG is also optional. 

Dont worry! Your URLS are safe, they are written to the end of the stub highly encrypted!

List o' features

	-Download up to 10 thousand files
	-2 Seperatly compiled stubs for maximum size saving.
	-FW/AV Kill, and Melt Server
	-Downoad files to 3 different important directorys
	-Automatic FSG Packing
	-3 differnt ways to execute file
	-Highly customizeable
	-Open Source!!!!!

size: 20.616 bytes


