by Aphex
Written in Delphi
Released in November 2002
Institution OPEN v0.1.2, Copyright (C) 2002 Institution OPEN is an open source remote administration tool for Windows NT based operating systems. It runs as a DLL module inside of the windows shell (explorer.exe). To install the server you must first run the Client.exe application. Then use the /server command to generate a new Server.exe. For more information on the /server command use the /help command. Once the server is listening you can connect using the /connect command. You can create an interactive shell prompt that you can telnet to by using the /shell command. The server has a built-in packet sniffer than you can start by using the /sniffer start <port%gt; command. As always type /help for a full list of commands. Aphex Server: size: 12.288 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunMegaSecurity