by Versati
Released in September 2004
Kit Stealer is a password login software currently Supporting the following password types: - password stored on cookies files, outlock... - RAS passwords (internet connection...) - Instant Messaging Passwords (msn, yahoo, icq ...) How To Use: Pick the types of passwords you want to log (coockies/RAS/IM) If you want to pack the server with UPX check the ""Compresser avec upx" box Finally click on "build" to create server Server and logs files will have a different name related to the passwords you choose to log The coockie stealer will be zcoo.exe logging to c:\zcoo.txt The RAS stealer will be zcon.exe logging to c:\zcon.txt The Instant Messaging stealer will be zmsn.exe logging to c:\zmsn.html Why the name of the files always starts with "z"? Quite simply because the files are arranged alphabetically and thus it is easier to locate them. Note: These stealer was carried out by the programs: pspv, dialupass and mspass The password stealer aren't compatible on w98/mil Versati tested on Windows XP March 21, 2006MegaSecurity