Let Me Rule! 2.0 Beta 6
(Backdoor.Win32.Lemerul.20 for Server)

by ReSoiL

Written in Delphi

Released in May 2003

more versions

Let Me Rule! v2.0 BETA 6    [Copyright 2003 ReSoiL]
------------------------    -----------------------


Hi and welcome to this new and fresh version of Let Me Rule!
This version will give you much more stability and effectivity
than the earlier 1.0 version. 
The 2.0 version is brand new and is not based on the 1.0.
I have made it all new from the ground!
There is a lot of bug fixes and security fixes.
If you find any bugs or incorrect wordpellings, then send them to me and
your nickname will be published in the program.
To see the list, doubleclick on the background picture on
the main form when you are connected.

Please send me comments! I'll be glad to hear from you!


Supported OS for Let Me Rule! v2.0:

Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows Millenium
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Codename: Longhorn


Shortcuts in the program:

F12         Minimize
Ctrl+D      Disconnect
Ctrl+N      Notes
Ctrl+O      Options
Ctrl+B      Bookmark
Ctrl+A      Chat with other clients

Ctrl+F      Open FTP Server
Ctrl+R      Open registry explorer
Ctrl+E      Open easy file manager
Ctrl+S      Screenshot

Shift+F1    Main
Shift+F2    Server
Shift+F3    CD-ROM
Shift+F4    Keyboard
Shift+F5    Mouse
Shift+F6    Sound
Shift+F7    Screen
Shift+F8    Msg-Box
Shift+F9    Exit win
Shift+F10   Chat
Shift+F11   Web
Shift+F12   Clipboard
Ctrl+F1     Extra fun
Ctrl+F2     Tasks
Ctrl+F3     File manager
Ctrl+F4     Time
Ctrl+F5     System info
Ctrl+F6     Printer
Ctrl+F7     Registry
Ctrl+F8     Tweaks


Revision history

  [v2.0 BETA 6]
> Added category: RAS manager.
> Added function: Lock keyboard.
> Added function: Send text to window.
> Added function: Disable Alt+F4.
> Added function: Flash window.
> Added function: Change cursor.
> Bug fix: Sometimes application couldn't play sounds.
> Added shortcut command to screenshot (Ctrl+S).
> Small security fix.
> And more...


port: 26097 TCP

dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\svced.exe      size: 686.080 bytes 

port: 25226, 45672 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "svced" 
