by br0nd
Written in Microsoft Visual C++, Server compressed with FSG
Released in August 2005
Leviathan V 1.0 -------------- Features -------- 1)Reverse connecting backdoor.. 2)File manager,Process viewer,Window manager,Fun stuff 3)Protected storage passwords 4)Internet history of victims 5)Reverse connect through proxies,can use HTTP,socks 6)RC4 encrypted command prompt 7)No Process Visible inject into explorer.exe and exiting the parent 8)Computer info,Server info,Uninstall server 9)Power Option 10)Server EXE size is 16.5kb Usage ----- Open the DRAG(r)1.0.exe ,click build ,fill the text boxes click create server.ur ready Enjoy... br0nd Server: dropped files: c:\WINDOWS\system32\lrhu.dll Size: 0 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\ Size: 16,965 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\svvdll.dll Size: 8,704 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\svvdll.exe Size: 16,965 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{HKMLO03-II-DF45D-2FDFDG} "StubPath" data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ tested on Windows XP August 27, 2005MegaSecurity