Liciaa Plus Plus

by Prince Ali

Written in Delphi

Released in June 2005

more versions

Liciaa++ aka Liciaa 2.0
Liciaa++ is an Advanced Small Size ( 3 kb) FWB+ Downloader , it was coded in C++ mainly to replace the 
old Version of Liciaa .

*Small Size (3kb)
*FWB+ (Firewall ByPass Plus Tech)
*Unlimited Files Download
*Option to add downloaded Files to Startup List
*Option to Run on each Restart and Download files on Specific Date
*Abilitie to Create a Custom Extension to run ur files with any extension u want

Prince Ali

dropped file:
size: 2,881 bytes 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Liciaa"
data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Liciaa.exe 

tested on Windows XP
June 19, 2005
