by D-oNe
Written in Delphi
Released in December 2003
his is just a promo for what Snag 1.0 can do. This program uses another cdkey shower, to get the key. That program you will have to find YOURSELF. Also it aint 100% stealth, and it dosent have any fancy FWB methods. Also, its slow, with a purpose of course. Why am i doing this? Just coz the majority of the Trojan community is filled with ungrateful jackasses that dont deserve shit. Proper people will get a proper version, so do not ph34r my humble friends! But what if you aint a jackass? What if ur a good trojaner with respect for the programmers. But dont know me personally? What if you want 100% stealth? What if you want FWB? What if you want a sexy, fast and small server? What if you want support for 30 other games and a sexy webdownloader? THEN YOU CAN BUY SNAG 1.1 NOW AND ENCOURAGE THE AUTHOR FOR MORE GOOD RELASES IN THE FUTURE! Mail me for more info. That turned out pretty well i must say. Cheers to all my pigglets out there! You know who you are! And a special thanks to Caesar2k, i wouldnt be here without him. USAGE: ---------------------- First off, open good ol google and search for showcdkey.exe or Its a D2 Cdkey Shower made by onlyer. Filesize should be 9216 bytes, IMPORTANT THAT IT IS THE SAME SIZE! Then open Editor.exe Under "Path To File", enter the searchpath on ur harddisk to where "showcdkey.exe" is. Under "URL To Script", enter the link to the PHP Script. Now upload "log.php" and "log.html" to a scriptsupporting host. PLACE IN SAME DIR *IMPORTANT* Then send "server.exe" (You can rename it ofcourse) to ur victim, and wait for the key to arrive! MUHAHAHHA D-oNe Server: size: 21,506 bytes tested on Windows XP May 05, 2006MegaSecurity