MiniMo 0.6 Public Beta
(Backdoor.Win32.MoSucker.b for server)

by Superchachi

Written in Visual Basic

Released in May 2004

Made in Germany

more versions


Here is a general overview of some of MiniMo's features.

Forward or reverse connect to as many servers as you want - A detailed socket management system allows you to interact
with multiple servers simultaneously while keeping memory use to a minimum. For example : you can be capturing the
screen on 3 server, transferring files on another 4 server, taking cam caps on 3 other servers, chatting with one of
the servers, and real-time keylogging all 10 servers all at the same time. 

Screen Capture Options - MiniMo can capture the entire screen, the active window, specific areas of the desktop,
follow mouse movements, and images from a webcam. Images can be automatically captured at any time interval, and at 
several jpeg quality settings. The user can send left button, right button, and middle button mouse clicks to the
server's desktop. Keystrokes are sent to the remote desktop as easily and reliably as your local desktop. 
This all can be done with multiple active capture sessions simultaneously. 

Offline scripting - Want your server to take a screenshot of the active window when the active window's caption contains
a specific trigger word? Want the server to take a cam capture every minute? 30 min? hour? Want the server to be able
to call a plug-in when the user browses to a specific URL? All this and more can be done while the server is offline,
or while no clients are connected. The pictures/data files are organized and ready for you when you connect. 

File Manager - File managers generate a ridiculous amount of useless client/server traffic. In addition to a full list
of file management features, MiniMo has a few extra features to keep this wasted traffic to a minimum. Having to browse
from the root of a drive to your destination wastes time and traffic. MiniMo has a QuickNavigation feature that takes
you directly to the most common directories. Taking an idea from MS's explorer, MiniMo does not discard directory data 
when you navigate away from a folder. Instead, it keeps it in memory, and if you return to that folder, the data from 
that directory is loaded from memory rather than requesting the same data from the server a second time. If you want to 
check if the contents of that folder has changed, just click refresh. To keep memory use to a minimum, directory
listings from servers that you are no longer connected to is automatically deleted from memory. You can export all
the directory images to a text file on your HD. Send your buddy a complete listing of all the files on his HD and 
watch him shit his pants. 

Server Security - All data (except files) sent between the client and server is encrypted with a variable key. 
Data is verified both client and server side and unverified data is simply ignored. MiniMo servers are also protected
by the same brute force protection I added to MoSucker 3.0, and also have a packet gate which prevents the servers
from being knocked offline by flooding the port with data. Both forward and reverse connections require a password, 
and server settings can only be changed remotely with the edit server password. 

Flexibility - MiniMo's Global Variables, Open Protocol, and server scripting leave the feature list almost unlimited.
You can delete/create/read any registry key you want while connected or while the server is offline. 
You can add features right onto the client using the UserCmd feature or MiniMo's new Client Add-in system. 
You can config the pc info to get the server info, pc info, registry keys, and Environment Variables that you want. 
The features list is what you want it to be. 

Classic MO compatibility - The majority of the project was coded from scratch (partly why it took so damn long), 
but there are a few of Krusty's classic MoSucker features in MiniMo. MiniMo is compatible with MoSucker's arsenal
of plug-ins (26 and counting), and MiniMo uses the same CGI interface as MoSucker. Just enough to put the Mo in MiniMo. 

Web Updates - Updating your servers is a breeze. They simply update themselves. 
Every setting saved to the server when created can be updated later. Servers check for a web based update and then
update their own settings. You'll never lose a server due to a CGI list going down, ICQ blocking messages, or a changed local IP again! 



size: 468.610 bytes

port: 30999 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Wintask" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx "Wintask" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "Wintask" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce "Wintask" 

registry added:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System "DisableRegistryTools" 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System "DisableTaskmgr" 
