MoSucker 3.0 (b)
(Backdoor.Win32.MoSuck.30.e for Server)

by Superchachi
Based on source by Krusty

Written in Visual Basic

Released in November 2002

Made in Germany

more versions

MoSucker 3.0b - Released Nov. 20th 2002

1) MoSucker 3.0b servers are not compatible with the MoSucker 3.0a edit server.

2) If you get any runtime errors, execute Runtimes.exe in the runtimes folder.

3) Check the announcements in the forum for the latest public CGI locations.

4) The edit server cannot change the icon for servers that include the runtimes.
   Use reshacker or microangelo. Icon is 32x32 16 colors

Changes/bugfixes for 3.0b
- Modification of settings encryption for increased server security.
- Edit server and client install runtimes if needed (since nobody can read).
- MSN notification protocol error fixed.
- MSN notification no longer gives visible error message when service is down.
- Kill running system process checkbox error on reload fixed.
- File exists routine for bound files fixed (bug rare)
- Improved error handling in edit server.
- Removed webdl.ocx dependancy.


size: 162.797 bytes

port: 4288 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{HMCSQSS-EJO-SDBYH-RCWB-YPENJKWJZE} "StubPath" 

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txp{10}\DefaultIcon "(Default)" 
Type: REG_SZ 
Data: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shell32.dll,44 

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txp{10}\shell\open\command "(Default)" 
Type: REG_SZ 
Data: %1 

