by koR
Written in Visual Basic
Released in september 2000
MSN Cookie2.5 It is MUCH better than MSN Cookie2: u now can open the MsnCookie2.5 remotly! (via telnet) Now the features: It fakes a hotmail user, telling him, that "his cookie is expired and he must reenter the data". It can be given to you by: FTP ICQ Telnet (we'll talk about that later) Creating a dll on his comp with the data (when u live near to his house this is ideal) (I told E-Mail because I never used it in any application, because public SMTP Servers or don't work or a overloadet and the email arrives you 3 weeks later) FTP: You must insert a user name, password and an FTP server and the data will be uploadet as [user]. dll on your FTP Server (use it an a xoom server etc.) ICQ: It sends you a WWWPager with the data inside (no, the other user needn't have ICQ) Telnet: Hehhe, this is great and only because of this the prog is a good prog. At the user the form will NOT be shown immediatly, but instead you can connect to the told port and open it remotly! (with "a") If the user closes the form it will be shown you in telnet and you can reopen it with "a"! If the user enters some data, you will see it immediatly in Telnet and you can choose to tell the user that it was the wrong data and reopen it (with "a"). So you can completly control the MSN Cookie remotly! OneMegaSecurity