nBackdoor Advanced 1.0
(Not detected by KAV on June 03, 2008)

by NeWbY aka. Paul

Written in C++, Source included

Released in May 2006

You run it through the command-line, because its an
CLI (= Command-Line Interface) program.
Once you run it, you'll see the help message appear.
It gives you 2 choises: connect or listen.

Using connect as parameter will allow you to make an
connection (= socket) to a given ip and port. Once 
you are connected to the given and port, you can 
interact and receive from it (the socket).
Use connect with two options: -c for the host, and -p
for the port.

Using listen as parameter will open a socket on
the given port. There are alot of options you can
specify, like a password, logging, max users etc.
See options.txt for more info about it.
Use listen with two or more options:
-l to set a listener, and -p to specify a port.
After that you can specify more options behind it.

			Which ?
<options>         <params>           <descr>
   -c              Target IP
   -p              Port

   -p              Port
   -s              Shell ID
                   ID's: 1
                         2 <file>
   -P              Password
   -u              Users
   -t              Timeout


			What ?
-c = Allows you to connect to a remote computer.
-p = Connect to the remote computer on port <>.
-L = Show detailed information.

-l = Start in listening mode as server.
-p = Listen on port <>.
-s = Give shell <> when someone connects.
-P = Ask for password <> when a client connects.
-L = Enable logging.
-u = Set the max users <> that can connect.
-t = Reply every <> seconds to all clients.

-h = Show the usage of the program.

			Shells ?
There are 3 different shell types you can use.
1. Default shell program (cmd.exe)
2. Custom program specified <>
3. Emulated cmd.exe

The commands for the emulated shell are:
- cmds -        - descr -
help            Show the commands you can use
dir             List files and directories of the current directory

You can add more commands manually in the source code.

<> = argument

tested on Windows XP
July 22, 2007
