Noesis 1.1 Tiny ESM
(Not detected by KAV on December 14, 2006)

by QueenOfBeholds

Released in March 2006

more versions

Noesis 1.1 Tiny ESM (Execution Style Modifier)

Programmed by : [email protected]
                Provided as an Extension Pack
How to use : 
  Create your server with Noesis 1.1 Tiny
  and then use this program to change the default execution style of the
  downloaded file.
  Note : Noesis 1.1 Tiny by default uses a flag called SW_SHOW to execute the
  downloaded file, but now you can modify that.

  Regards to : Stacked_shit for his help and support, to my baby Jane,
               Alex, dEadshOes, the rest of my friends.

About Noesis : Noesis is a Web-Downloader coded by [email protected]
               So far, there are three versions of the program released, including the
               Full, Lite, Tiny version which is the newest one.

tested on Windows XP March 30, 2006