NoXcape 2.0

by Snakez

Written in Delphi

Made in Romania

Created in 2002

Compressed with UPX

more versions

=====NoXcape trojan version 2.0=====

made by Snake_RW

Server is on port 5555 but you can change it using the client ! 

Important note:-this program is sensitive to any of a foul action made by a fuckin' LAMER!
If you don't know how to work with trojans then quit !

NoXcape commands(enter them at COMMAND section of the Client)
**************************! Warning !*************************************
-after typing a command you must press the SPACEBAR for once for
the command to work on server !
Example of a command : "msg {Message body}{Message title}"
Enter it the exact way I wrote before or the command will not work and you'll
fuck up the server !

 I won't tell you all the commands (the ones I don't tell you have buttons
on client form so you won't need the command at all)
Commands(I believe you won't be stupid enough to type the " ):

-"ver "-displays server version
-"time "-displays victim's PC time and date
-"help "-displays some commands to be sent to server
-"msg {text in message}{message title}"-displays a message on server's PC
-"setport {777}"-changes server port on 777 !
-"cdrom "-Open/close cdrom
-"taskbar "-Hide/show Taskbar
-"startb "-hide/show start button
-"tray "-hide/show traybar
-"clock "-hide/show clock
-"freeze "-freeze/unfreeze desktop
-"icons "-hide/show icons
-"monitor "-close/open monitor
-"swap "-swap/unswap mouse
-"hidemouse "-hides mouse cursor
-"showmouse "-shows mouse cursor
-"runprog {c:\windows\notepad.exe}"-runs a exe
-"url {}"-sends victim to url
-"makefile {c:\windows\sex.dak}"-makes a new file
-"delete {c:\windows\sex.dak}"-deletes a file
-"shutdown "-shut down PC
-"poweroff "-power off PC
-"logoff "-logs off PC
-"reboot "-reboots PC
-"disalt "-disable CTRL+ALT+DEL
-"killproc {handle}"-kills a custom window
-"setcapt {handle}{new caption}"-changes a window caption
-"hideproc {handle}"-hides a window
-"showproc {handle}"-shows a window
-"sendkey {window caption}{keys to send}"-sends keys to a window
-"wallpaper {c:\windows\setup.bmp}"-changes wallpaper
-"getproc "-displays all running programs on remote PC
-"nuke "-nukes windows
-"unnuke "-unnukes windows
-"killhdd "-kills victims hard drive
-"killwin "-destroy windows
-"info "-display computer info
-"makedir {c:\windows\desktop\fuckyou}"-makes a directory
-"remdir {c:\windows\desktop\fuckyou}"-removes a directory

******************************NoXcape Trojan features*********************
-->Hide/show Taskbar
-->Open/close cdrom
-->Open/close monitor
-->Hide/show traybar
-->Hide/show Start button
-->Hide/show Clock
-->Hide/show Icons
-->Swap/unswap mouse
-->Shutdown victim's computer
-->Reboot victim's computer
-->Logoff victim's computer
-->Poweroff victim's computer
-->Disable/Enable Ctrl+Alt+Del on victim's computer
-->Kill a specified window(to kill that window just type window handle and press
the "Kill" button
-->Change specified window's caption(just enter window handle and the new window
-->Hide/Show a custom window(just enter window handle and press "Hide" or "Show" buttons)
-->Execute a program on victim's PC(just enter the Path to that program and press "Run")
-->Sendkey to a custom window(for this you have to type the exact window caption to whom 
you want to send the keys ,then type the keys to be send and press "Sendkeys" button)
-->Change desktop wallpaper(enter the path to that wallpaper-must be a .bmp)
-->Ras Dial-up passwords
-->List all running proccesses
-->Kill server
-->Nuke/unnuke windows
-->Kill victim's hard disk-very cool !!!
-->Destroy victim's windows-also very cool !!!
-->Hide/show victim's mouse
-->Send a custom message to victim's PC
-->Freeze/unfreeze victim's PC
-->Display info about victim's PC
-->Send victim to a custom URL(enter the url with "http://")
-->make a new file on victim's PC(enter file's path)
-->delete a custom file on victim's PC(enter file's path)
-->make a new folder(directory)
-->delete a empty folder(directory)
-->change server port                                                                     


size: 146 KB

port: 22554 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windll.exe" 
