What is NutShell?
NutShell is a Word Macro, that downloads Program on a specified http
location, simulating a Word Update.
How can I configure NutShell?
You can easily configure it so it downloads a Program of your choice:
- Open the doc and choose to enable the macro. (This is important, if you
see nothing but only the text "Note: You cannot view......" then goto
Tools --> Macro --> Security and set it to medium (in Word97 search
"Macro Virus" and it will tell you how)
- Then you will see the message: "This feature is currently not
installed". This is a fake Message! Choose no.
- Press [ALT]+[F11] To activate the macro editor
- Doubleclick on the form "frmDownload"
- Doubleclick on the button "Start"
- Then much code will appear to you.
Change the piece you saw on the picture in that of your choice.
- Finished!
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