by evilgoat
Released in December 2000
notes about irc notify ---------------------- this version of psychward requires the user to login before the bot will respond to any commands. commands: !login <server password> - log into bot, required for others commands !op <nick> - if the bot has op status, will op the given nick pwD <url> - downloads the url and executes the file pwR - (only in private message) the bot will reconnect to the irc server pwclose - (only in private message) closes the server pwdie - (only in private message) removes the server osver - makes the bot display the victims operating system pwX - same as pwclose, but doesnt have the private message only restriction pwinfo - make the bot spit out it's info, such as: version, ip address, port, owner string, password and the system uptime in hours evilgoat Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\winvxd.exe size: 23.072 bytes port: 13013 TCP startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "WinVxd" data: C:\WINDOWS\winvxd.exe tested on Windows 98 November 19, 2004MegaSecurity