by Hx2nW
Written in Visual Basic
Released in september 2001
rada-tat-RAT v1.0 a creation of Hx2nW radatatRAT.exe - Client MSRADA.exe - server It features get info, logoff, shutdown, reboot, force, swap/unswap mouse buttons, open/close cd, show/hide taskbar, get windows/system directories, sending msgs, and a key logger that can be turned on or off or left running after you disconnect (stores upto 6000 characters right now, tho it's not fully error tested). It uses a winsock control, so it needs MSWINSCK.OCX in order to run. Hx2nW Server: C:\WINDOWS\MSRADA.EXE size: 57.344 bytes port: 4141 TCP startup: HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUNMegaSecurity