RemoteHAK 0.0.5 Alpha

by HaKKa & _Jedi_

Written in Delphi

more versions

RemoteHAK v0.0.5
By HaKKa and _Jedi_

Thanks to ritual33 for making this possible

Open-cd drive
Close-cd drive
Monitor OFF
Monitor ON
Open Browser ('')
Open Start-Menu
kill server

This is only the alpha version, so in the next couple of versions there will be many,
many more features +  i`ll try to make a edit server.
please report all bugs to [email protected].

If you do any thing illegal with this program we are not Responsible for any damages or
data loss in any form. So make sure you know what your doing.

RemoteHAK v0.1
By HaKKa

Open-cd drive
Close-cd drive
Monitor OFF
Monitor ON
Open Browser ('')
Open Start-Menu
kill server
Minimize all
Maximize all
Disable Control+Alt+Del

Next Version (v0.5) will have a new GUI and (hopefully) Screen capture will be Fully working.
Yeah, yeah the server is big! so UPX the fucker ;)

If you do any thing illegal with this program we are not Responsible for any damages or
data loss in any form. So make sure you know what your doing.


size: 310 KB

port: 33291 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows.exe" 
